The Sage of Einar

Chapter 179 - Battle Against Vikings Near The Coast

In the afternoon, Nelda who was watching the sea can see how in the distance a group of ships that seemed to belong to Vikings was approaching.

"Anna orders everyone to prepare for the attack and also sends a signal to the other ships to prepare.

Today blood will flow from the sea and it will not be ours, that I can assure you. "

At that moment, Nelda watched as Anna began to use a red flag to inform the ships that some pirates were approaching.

Ashraf who looked at the flag just started laughing and looked at his companions while pulling out his scimitar.

"Today we will leave our name in that group of pirates, prepare the weapons, and have someone take care of the slaves because we do not want a rebellion in the middle of the battle.

We will show that our mercenary company is the best in all respects, have our names engraved, and formed those damned pagans. "

For their part, in the other two ships that were led by Bruno\'s soldiers, they began to prepare their swords and bows to be able to fight against the pirates.

While this was happening on the approaching main Drakkar, the Viking leader licked his lips and looked at his fellow Vikings.

"Our wait has been worth it, today we will fight and win new riches for our tribe or we will dine in Valhalla.

Are you ready to fight ... "

All the Vikings on the ships began to scream and clashed their weapons against their shields. It was then that the Viking leader stood on the front of his Drakkar and pointed with his ax towards the ships they were thinking of stealing.

Nelda who was watching the actions of the Vikings bit her lip and tightly took the sword in her hand.

"Prepare your spears and bows, we will follow the tactics Anders taught us to fight those filthy Vikings.

Remember your boats are moving faster than ours, so when they are close to us we will turn so that they cannot crash our boat.

If the tactics Anders told us are applied, their ships will focus on our other ships as this is our main ship in the fleet.

So it is reserved to be attacked only by the Viking leader\'s ship, we will use that to our advantage so we will have to use spears to keep them at bay while we shoot them with bows.

We must be strong because as women our destiny to be captured can only be something worse than death, so they fight with all their might and for nothing in the world allow those bastards to go up. "

After saying those words all the women on the ship prepared with their weapons, the strongest led by Anna took their spears and prepared to fight.

While the rest of the women held a bow and a quiver with enough arrows, as children and older women who could not defend themselves.

They could only stay in the rooms below the ship, but that did not mean that they could not take part in case the situation warranted it.

All of them will have to go out carrying daggers and some axes to be able to start an attack against all the Vikings because it was better to die fighting than to suffer in life being captives of those Vikings.

As the Drakkar was approaching the ship from the northeast, Nelda waited a few moments before turning the ship\'s wheel and facing the Drakkar that was planning to crash into her ship.

"Let\'s see which Stem is stronger, you fucking Vikings."

The Viking leader who was standing on the stem of his Drakkar was surprised by the surprise turn of the ship. He supposed it was because quite possibly the people they were going to face knew their tactics.

With the two ships getting closer and closer to each other and unable to brake, an impact was imminent, so the quite angry Viking leader gave the order for them to move aside to avoid the collision between the ships.

For he had no confidence that his ship could withstand the impact of that great ship at the speed they were traveling.

Nelda seeing that the Viking Drakkar had turned around to avoid hitting her ship only smiled evilly.

"Women prepare your bows because you have to start shooting arrows to finish off the Vikings who can once they pass by us.

Anna also be prepared as they may turn around and try to attack us from the back of the ship. "

When he finished saying those words, the Viking ship passed to one side of his ship, which was taken advantage of by the women who quickly began to use their bows in the little time they had.

Vikings who did not expect an arrow attack suffered heavy casualties, and many were injured by the surprise attack by the women.

The Viking leader who had an arrow on his shoulder just glared at the woman who seemed to be his leader and who was smiling at him.

\'I hope you\'re enjoying yourself bitch enough because I\'ll take care of killing you personally ...\'

Removing the arrow from his shoulder the Viking leader looked at his Vikings "Quick turn around we have to avenge our fallen brothers and Vikings I do not want survivors on that ship.

All their heads must be cut off and placed around our ship to serve as a warning for them to dare to question our dominance of the sea. "

The Vikings gave a cry and without wasting time they turned to chase the ship that had attacked them. For her part, Nelda took a bow and prepared to shoot arrows.

\'What a beautiful day to kill Vikings, come with mom so I can put an arrow to your heads.\'

When the Viking Drakkar began to approach, Anna felt a bit of joy and nervousness because there was what a Viking force must face that most likely should be angry.

So by squeezing the spear he had with his sweaty hands, she prepared himself for the imminent clash between the ships.

While the women who had bows raised them and readied their arrows, waiting only for Nelda\'s order to be able to shoot their arrows.

Nelda for her part hopes that the Viking Drakkar was close enough to give the order to use the bows, although she knew that it had lost the surprise factor, it could very possibly hurt a few Vikings.

When the Drakkar was at the correct distance, Nelda took a deep breath and shot her arrow. This made the other women who had her bow shoot their arrows as well.

The Viking leader and his group of warriors used their shields to protect themselves from the rain of arrows that was falling on them, but although they managed to make most of the arrows collide with their shields.

There were some arrows that we\'re able to wound them, although they were in places that would not affect their ability to fight too much.

The Viking leader who had been one of the wounded glared at the arrow in his foot and gritted his teeth as he would seek revenge.

When the Drakkar collided with the rear of the ship, Anna and the women holding their spears regained their composure and prepared to face the impending attack.

At that moment silence was present for a few seconds until a noise of screams could be heard, which were caused by a large number of Vikings that were embroidering the ship from the rear.

Anna and the other women who had spears in their hands quickly pounced on the invaders, because of this many Vikings who did not expect a spear attack were quickly killed.

But this means a real problem for the women who were in the front line since their spears were caught by the bodies of the Vikings.

So it was impossible to move them so they had to drop their spears and make way for their companions from behind to take their place.

This small action caused the Viking advance to be stopped short and allowed the women behind it to constantly fire their bows.

Fortunately, the distance provided by the spears was more than enough to prevent an arrow from damaging any of the women.

The confrontation dragged on for a few more minutes before the Viking leader and a group of warriors made a suicide charge.

Anna who was in the front line squeezed her spear with all her strength and pushed it on the Viking leader who managed to move his body causing it to only be cut on one side.

At that moment Anna felt a sense of helplessness because she knew that she could die if someone did nothing to stop the advance of that Viking leader.

Fortunately, before the Viking leader got close enough to kill her, Nelda who was standing on a wooden box managed to shoot an arrow straight into the Viking leader\'s neck.

Who to feel the lack of air and how his lungs began to fill with his own blood looked with hatred at the woman in front of him and wanting to kill her took a few steps before being pierced by a spear.

Which ended up taking his life because it had directly pierced his heart, causing him to only look with hatred at those women while he fell back with his lifeless body.

With the fall of the Viking leader, the last warriors tried to fight to at least have death before going to Valhalla, but unfortunately, the training that Anna had made prevented them from approaching so they ended up dying.

Only a few who were unwilling to die for women jumped into the sea to sink to the bottom because their clothes were too heavy.

With the defeat of the Vikings, the women quickly screamed with joy and began to retrieve valuables from the corpses and on the Viking Drakkar.

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