Long Live Summons

Chapter 862: Scheming Tricks? Fighting Fire With Fire

Chapter 862: Scheming Tricks? Fighting Fire With Fire

Turning around the hallway, the situation here was not the same as when she came in.

In the spacious area, there were obvious visible traps, frozen pools sealed by Cold Energy, and flame nozzles that were in the shape of beasts’ mouths. According to this kind of terrain, they must be avoided so as not to trigger the mechanism.

The consequences would be disastrous if one triggers the mechanism.

Ordinarily foolish beasts wouldn’t be tricked, let alone the Reaper Mantis.

Only blinded idiots would fall for this kind of obvious trick.

The most conspicuous flaw was that there were shallow footprints on the ground at every certain distance.

That was where the Cyclops peeked out from.

These footprints have rather visible concealment attempts, most of them were signs that the Cyclops had tiptoed its way through. It was so tall but its footprints were only so little. If she didn’t look close enough, she would most definitely not have found them.

The Reaper Mantis flew along slowly, following the trail of faint footprints.

She found that there was a faint trail behind her flight path as well.

Although she barely flapped her wings to levitate, the flight path was still rather clear. The Reaper Mantis was lost in thought. Could it be that all the beasts that passed by would leave a trail automatically? It seemed useless to leave traces as it would only expose the target. So why does this happen? The test of the Spirit Beast Great Hall was definitely not useless. There must be some secret that needs to be solved… Cautiously advancing by dozens of meters and turning through a whirling passageway, the Reaper Mantis did not trigger any sort of mechanism nor did she see the Cyclops. What was in front of her, however, were two different choices.

Two corridors’ entrances.

At both entrances, there were even traces of the Cyclops and traces of her flight.

What is going on? Even if I have returned to the original point, there should only be a straight road ahead!

There must be a fake entrance to the corridor.

But which one is fake?

“Huh?” The Reaper Mantis was deep in thought once again.

“Hoho!” She heard the loud roar of the Cyclops resounding throughout the end of the corridor before something black and large was lunged towards her.

The Reaper Mantis instinctively avoided it.

There was a loud boom, originating from a heavy rock that hit the ground in black. Before the Death Mantis could see clearly, another dark thing raced towards her at a faster speed. The place where the giant rock was thrown seemed to be a weighing mechanism. Once it exceeded the weight, it would automatically close the door outside. This thought flashed in the Reaper Mantis’s heart and she immediately reacted, condensing a ball of energy from her little hand.

The energy ball flew towards the second dark object.

The ugly face of the Cyclops that was hidden in the dark flashed a smirk.

This clever little brat is dead. Even if she was careful, no matter how cautious she could be, how could she know of the cruelty that occurs in the test halls if she didn’t get to experience her own fair share of it?

The faint light radiating from the energy ball shot through her hand. The light reflected the hideous face of the Cyclops and also reflected the object of the second black shadow— a wooden box. It was a wooden box that the Cyclops had moved at some point. According to the fragility of the wooden box, not to mention the blow of the energy ball, even a mere sneeze of a Heaven Rank beast would blast it into smithereens. The energy ball flew and hit the wooden box. Seeing the fait accompli that couldn’t be altered, the Cyclops quickly retreated a thousand times faster than its previous step-by-step approach.

Once the wooden box was blasted by the energy ball, the shockwave would definitely trigger those obviously exposed mechanisms.

With the power of the mechanism, and the rules of punishment that came with a damaged box, that little one is an absolute goner!

At the same time, when the Cyclops retreated back violently, it even threw out a dozen wooden boxes that it secretly stored before, all with a precise force.

If more than a dozen wooden boxes exploded together, even with a 30% chance of thunder striking, she would most definitely definitely be hit.

The Cyclops was secretly proud of itself, why would the Toad King specifically choose it to do the killing? The reason was simple— because it was smarter! Who would have ever imagined that under such an ugly and stupid appearance, its schemes and tricks were so thorough. In the familiar Spirit Beast Great Hall, countless newborn beasts have fallen victim to its tricks and tactics.

The Great Hall of Spirit Beasts was simply the best hunting ground!


An earth-shattering explosion broke out ahead.

The thermal shockwave of the explosion, as well as a heap of rubble, even impacted on the door of the room where the Cyclops flew back into.

It was a success!

The Cyclops was overjoyed in its heart. After all, who else would dare to use such a high force of an energy ball inside the Spirit Beast Great Hall? She was basically asking for death! It held the urge to go out and see how its opponent died as it stayed in the room.

When the rumbling series of explosions gradually passed, the sound of thunder striking disappeared slowly. It seemed to hear a group of beasts shouting again, so it waited for the voices to dissipate. Only then did the Cyclops leave the room while whistling. It can be concluded that the newborn beast was dead because this was a very simple reasoning. When the wooden box was broken by the energy ball, the shockwave of the explosion not only shattered the dozens of wooden boxes that flew behind, but also triggered those traps that were clearly visible at a glance. The explosive power of the mechanism was already enough to make that little speck of a heavy blow. Plus, there were a dozen boxes with a 30% chance of thunder. As for the group of beasts shouting, it was even simpler. The wooden box that broke was the one where they would get a 50/50 chance in letting the wild beasts of the Beast Valley inside.

As long as the target dies, the beasts that were sent in at will, will be sent away again.

This was why they were quiet for a while.

There was no need to look at all. The Cyclops knew that the cautious little brat was dead…by his own ingenious plan!

In this corridor of mirrors, how many war beasts had it killed? One hundred or two hundred? The Cyclops itself couldn’t remember the exact figure clearly, and now he just wanted to go out as soon as possible, find the Toad King and receive its share of the promised reward— a hundred Heaven Ranked Magic Crystals. If it had that much of a reward, it could break through and improve from the 4th Level to the 5th Level. All this was done so it could survive the Beast Valley, and add a little piece of an extra guarantee.

“Ha ha…”

The Cyclops laughed triumphantly, while inspecting the scene of its painstakingly arranged ‘masterpiece’, enjoying the honour of victory and the pride of its IQ advantage.

Suddenly, its laughter stopped, as if it was cut by a clean sweep of a knife.

An unbelievable sight appeared before its one eye.

The little brat that should be dead, was very well alive. Under her feet, there were a dozen wooden boxes stacked, with all their triggers intact. Except for a huge rock that had been blown to pieces, nothing else had changed.

How can it be?

I clearly saw the energy ball hitting the wooden box!

As if seeing the confusion of the Cyclops, the small face of the human form reincarnated Reaper Mantis, showed a smile that looked like her master Yue Yang.

Her little hand condensed an energy ball that exuded a faint light. Through this glaringly weak light, the Cyclops suddenly had a trace of understanding. Why is this little brat condensing an energy ball? Her main objective was not to attack, but to shed light. Through the light, she had actually seen that the second object it threw was a wooden box, not a huge rock.

Then why would she hit the wooden box with an energy ball?

The Reaper Mantis gave the answer.

With a little finger, a wooden box flew up, floating in the air.

The energy ball flew over and hit the wooden box, but instead of exploding, it caused an occurrence of a refraction. The energy ball made the wooden box hit around the area with extreme speed and bounced like a bouncy ball in the corridor. It was running amok, but not once did it trigger any of the mechanisms.

In the end, the energy ball that had bounced off for a long time returned to the hands of the Reaper Mantis, as if it had never been thrown out.

And now, the Cyclops understood.

It turned out that this energy ball was simply under the control of its opponent.

As long as this little one was unwilling, the ball would do whatever she wanted. It would not explode at all, nor would it break the wooden box.

If she didn’t break the wooden box, where did the sound of the shockwave, gravel and thunder that triggered the mechanism come from? It even heard the roar of a beast just now, and that was most likely not an illusion!

The Reaper Mantis smiled again.

She turned her body upside down and kicked the energy ball that was suspended in mid-air forcefully. The energy ball smashed into a hole in the ground where the giant rock had perched on, and the rubble scattered in front of the Cyclops. The energy ball exploded, causing the shockwave of the explosion to spread. However, like the ripples on the water surface, there will be no impact when encountering any obstacles as only a second ripple will be born, which will spread again. This was the rubble and the shockwave that the Cyclops had seen and sensed respectively. When its dumbfounded gaze looked up, it found that every time the Reaper Mantis flicked her finger, a huge sound of different-sized explosions would be made in the space of her will.

These explosions were also under the control of her will. Although the sound was earth-shattering, they did not produce any impact magically.

The fingers of the Reaper Mantis were connected, and every time they snapped, there would be thunder and lightning that exploded in the energy field.

It was not any sort of punishment thunder of the broken boxes.

As for the roar of the beasts, it was an exquisite ‘Golden Whistle’ from the Reaper Mantis’s mouth. As soon as she took it out and blew it, all kinds of roars and exclamations of various beasts rang one after another!

“This is the Golden Whistle that commands beasts. This is the treasure of the Poisonous Queen Bee, where did you get it?” the Cyclops exclaimed.

“Hehe!” The Reaper Mantis didn’t answer, but her smile made the Cyclops feel like a fool.

The battle between the Beast Kings was always the eternal theme in the Beast Valley.

It turned out to be a chess piece used by the Toad King. No wonder, it would pay a huge reward of one hundred Heaven Ranked Magic Crystals, because it turned out that this was a reward that was never intended to be paid. The Cyclops felt distressed. Between the brawls of the Beast Kings, no matter who won or lost, it will not end well for itself as a chess piece. There was no point in killing this little brat, nor would it matter if she managed to escape— there was no benefit for it.

The Cyclops was about to speak and withdraw from the battle.

Suddenly, it saw the killing intent in the eyes of the Reaper Mantis!

This little thing is angry, this is not good… The Cyclops originally had absolute certainty of killing her, but after the perfect deception of the Reaper Mantis, it discovered that her true strength actually far exceeded its own. Now, she was going to fight it in the Corridor of Mirrors, but the winner was still rather uncertain as anything could happen!


No matter whether you win or not, there are no positive results.

The Cyclops, who was unwilling to fight, relied on its familiarity with the terrain and quickly bypassed the trap of the mechanism. It raced to the other end of the Corridor of Mirrors.

When it turned around the corner of the corridor, preparing to turn out of the main hall and leave the Spirit Beast Great Hall, it suddenly saw the weird sight of the Reaper Mantis coming in. Why were there two long corridor entrances in front of it? He had obviously left!

Could it be that the little thing saw through my own mechanism operation and reset the roundabout terrain of the long Corridor of Mirrors?

Crack, crack!

When the Cyclops stopped, it heard a crackling sound on the soles of his feet. It lowered its head and realized that at some point, there was a wooden box under its pair of feet. Worst of all, it was broken. The Cyclops jumped up in shock. Snap! It noticed that there was also debris falling on top of its head. When it looked up, it found that there was once a wooden box hanging on it, which it had smashed with its head.


It couldn’t frame the enemy, and yet, the enemy managed to trick it?

When an energy ball hit it, refraction did not occur like when she had hit a wooden box previously. Instead, this ball produced a powerful impact, directly stunning the horrified Cyclops back by three steps. When the Cyclops stabilized, he found himself stepping on the mechanism of a beast’s mouth nozzle.

The flames sprayed out towards the sky right from the middle of the door.

And the Cyclops went blind on the spot.

It was extremely painful. Its huge body was on fire, stumbling and struggling in the corridor. One after another, the traps that were blatantly obvious were all stepped on. Flames, poisonous smoke, lightning and frost— all kinds of traps shot towards the Cyclops as he continued his role of playing a perfect target.

No effort was spared.

At the exit of the corridor, the Reaper Mantis gave this failed-manipulation-Cyclops a very chic silhouette from the back as she smiled warmly. She picked up the Golden Whistle and blew it softly. The monsters that had just been sent in at random, immediately lost their minds when they heard the whistle. Their eyes were red as they all rushed madly at the Cyclops!

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