Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 206: Allies & Enemies

Chapter 206: Allies & Enemies


Elia turned away from the door and covered herself with her hands, even in this moment mortified at the idea someone might walk in and see them naked. He\'d been very clear with all their people: If the door was closed, knocking was required. Anima under stress might not remember, though. Thankfully, this one had. "What is it?" he snapped towards the closed door.

"You\'re needed Reth, I\'m sorry. There\'s… news. Urgent news. Elia should hear it, too." It was Behryn—Behryn staying respectfully on the other side of the door, for Elia\'s sake.

"We\'ll be there in a moment," Reth growled, then waited until he was certain Behryn was far enough away not to hear their whispered words. Then he turned back to her, and his stomach clenched at the pain and anger lighting her eyes. She had her arms folded and was swallowing tears. He stroked her upper arms with his thumbs and when he spoke, kept his voice gentle.

"We\'ll discuss this again later. Just… think on it, Love. There\'s much to explain. But… have mercy on me, please," he rasped, suddenly desperate. "Don\'t pull away. I am saying the word, Elia. I need you close right now. Every moment. Please don\'t take your touch from me."

Chin trembling, she shook her head and threw herself into his chest again. "I won\'t."

They hugged for a long moment as she blinked and swallowed, and forced back the tears that wanted to overwhelm her. Reth soaked in her touch, burning each and every sensation into memory—the warmth of her skin, the cool wet of her tears on his chest, the softness of her breasts pressed into his stomach. The gentle scent of her hair when he curled around her… all of it. Then they forced themselves apart and dressed, never leaving each other\'s sides.

He took her hand—so small compared to his own—as soon as she was dressed and led her from the bedroom, a heavy sense of dread siting in the pit of his stomach.

Behryn wouldn\'t have come for him early if it wasn\'t important. That meant they had some clarity about the wolves. And it wasn\'t good.

He took a deep breath as they turned the corner into the main cave. Then as the scent hit his nose, let it whoosh out with a deep growl. He half-crouched, pushing Elia behind him before they\'d even made it through the dining room. There were people everywhere. He couldn\'t see…

"Where is the wolf?" he snarled.

The room had gone quiet when he growled. Behryn turned from where he stood in the main living area, next to the lounger where Elia had told him to take her—no, he would not be distracted! Another growl rolled in his throat.

Behryn raised his hands, but didn\'t look alarmed. "You\'ll want to hear from this one, Reth," he said, giving Reth a significant look.

Then two of Behryn\'s guards stepped aside to reveal a younger man, heavyset and with the silver-blue eyes coveted by so many of the wolves. He stood in submission, not meeting Reth\'s eyes, his hands up, palms out.

When Reth growled again, the man took a knee, hands still up and dropped his head further. "I submit. I acknowledge Gareth Orstas Hyrehyn as my King, and his true mate, Elia Thorpe as my Queen. I submit, Sire. I come to help. Scent me true."

Reth glanced at Behryn, who nodded once.

"You are accepted, but not trusted, wolf. What is your name? Speak," Reth snapped.

"I\'m Charyn," he said carefully. "I\'m… my son is disformed."

"How old is he? What\'s his name?" Elia blurted, leaning out from behind him. Reth\'s teeth set at her presumption, but he didn\'t stop the wolf from answering.

"His name is Aaryn. He is very small, Sire. Only three summers. But… but your thought for those who are different… He will need a ruler like you as he grows. You have more than my acknowledgment, my Queen. You have my allegiance."

Reth blinked, then spoke through his teeth. "What news do you bring, Charyn?"

"The wolves… they have been planning for this. They will appear to leave peacefully. But they will not leave the WildWood. Sire, they have been preparing. They are organized. Do not be swayed by their obedience to your banishment. They are… ready. They\'ve been collecting goods and setting up ranks for months. This isn\'t just trouble. This is a coup."

Reth snorted, but looked at Behryn again, who nodded once more. The man spoke truth. Reth cursed under his breath and his hands on Elia\'s tightened. She hugged his arm as he brought her forward to stand with him. "We are grateful that you were willing to show your allegiance this way, Charyn." He turned to scan every person present. "No one will speak this man\'s name outside of this room, am I understood? This information is held to the Throne."

There was a murmur of agreement from the people in the room, but Reth had already turned back to Charyn. "You and your family will be protected in the event the wolves seek revenge."

"Thank you, Sire," the man said, his voice heavy with relief.

"Stand. Face me."

The man stood slowly. When he brought his eyes up, it was to find Elia first, which made Reth tense, but he only nodded once, then snapped his gaze to Reth.

His predator\'s eyes spurred the instincts in Reth\'s beast, and he had to swallow another growl. But after a moment, Charyn dropped his gaze again. "Thank you, Sire," he repeated.

"Do you know the location of their supplies? Do they have a store?"

"They have more than a store. There\'s several caves, and a large encampment."

Reth shot a look at Behryn. "Why haven\'t the scouts run into it?"

"I don\'t know, Sire. It is well camouflaged and mostly contained within one ravine. Perhaps it\'s simply not a location the scouts have had reason to visit?"

"How far away?"

"Two hours in beast form. Maybe less for you."

Reth growled. "Why didn\'t you raise this with us earlier?"

"I… I had hoped it wouldn\'t come to this… it started with the young ones. Then they were punished. There was talk for a while of abandoning the plan. Many did abandon it, in truth. But Lucan… he wouldn\'t let it go, Sire. And when he was killed…"

"He was martyred by the others," Reth snarled.

"Yes. But, forgive me, Sire. There\'s more. I believe… I believe tonight they have acknowledged Lerrin and Lucine as King and Queen."

**** DON\'T STOP READING! ****

NEED MORE? There\'s a WHOLE NEW BOOK about the Anima. Go to my author page and click "Original Works" or search "Taming the Queen of Beasts" and add it to your library today! (Don\'t worry, it\'s set 20 years in the future and centers on Reth & Elia\'s daughter, so not a lot of spoilers.)

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