Heavenly Star

Chapter 179: The Heavenly Fire Dragon

Chapter 179: The Heavenly Fire Dragon

The deep and resounding voice definitely came from afar, yet it had vibrated through his ears causing a loud buzz. Every tone was like a mountain ferociously colliding into his heart. The vibration caused Ye Wuchen’s internal organs to incessantly churn and a mouthful of fresh blood bubbled up in his throat yet he had forcefully swallowed it. If he did not fully control the powers throughout his whole, he might have already fallen into the purple sea.

This was the greatest pressure he had ever come across since birth. More intense than the time he had faced Tong Xin at the Devil’s Trap Pagoda. This kind of pressure came from just a voice, and even covered up the place entirely with an invisible force at the same time.

“Who are you?” Ye Wuchen looked all around using his fastest speed. Lowering his brows, his body was still rapidly absorbing the spiritual power of the heaven and earth in the area. Even if Ye Wuchen wanted to stop, was already impossible.

A name that caused his mind to violently palpitate emerged in his mind—Heavenly Fire Dragon!

According to the legends, Tian Long Nation’s enchanted protector dragon was said to be dormant within the Heavenly Fire Volcano. Could it really have existed, or was there some other person?

From a ways away, when the voice echoed in Ye Wuchen’s ears, Tong Xin’s eyes had suddenly flickered a dreadful dark light. Beside her, Ning Xue had suddenly looked at the direction of the Heavenly Fire Volcano, because that place had a familiar air to it. This time, a third of the two large pieces of ice beside her had already melted.

Tong Xin took a quick step, and in a blink of eye, she had shifted beside Ning Xue. Reaching out, her arms modestly covered Ning Xue’s waist on both sides. The next moment, a dark light automatically emitted from her palm. Spreading out, it quickly created a dark translucent shield surrounding Ning Xue’s body, temporarily isolating her from the onslaught of the temperature. When she pulled back her hands, Ning Xue cried out in surprise as they launching towards the direction of the Heavenly Fire Volcano like an arrow. This time she had raised her speed to her fastest, so fast that Ning Xue was not even able to open her eyes.


A thick and solid pillar of flame suddenly emerged under Ye Wuchen’s feet, violently impacting against him. Ye Wuchen was smashed high up to the sky by the great force. He did not panic, but used the opportunity to turn his body around in the air, and dropped down somewhere further. Quickening his pace, within a few breaths he had already retreated from the purple sea and was standing on its edge. Yet he did not leave, only fixing his eyes in front, his brows knitted and he asked, “Are you the... Heavenly Fire Dragon?”

“Heavenly Fire Dragon? Hahahaha... That was indeed the name given to me by that person during those years. After so many years, you are the first person to have woken me up, and also the only person that I’ve seen who doesn’t fear the flames. Your power is very weak, yet I am unable to figure out what kind of power it is. But you’ve disturbed my peaceful sleep, and attempted to destroy my sleeping place, you... will only find death...”

The imposing voice was gone when an enormous field of energy had firmly blocked off the empty space surrounding him. The waves of the purple sea had completely stopped, resulting in a tranquil surface that did not move a single inch; the circulation of the air had become static in that instant. Everything seemed frozen in time.

Ye Wuchen’s body felt like it was being pushed down by a heavy mountain. He gritted his teeth, exerted all his energy, yet he still was not able to move. Even just to breath needed a large amount of effort.

It was indeed the Heavenly Fire Dragon. The legend was actually true!

Even the God-Level experts would not dare to provoke it, as its strength already exceeded the God-Level. Such creature was an Ultimate Magical Animal!

The moment the air blocked off, he already knew that he himself was like a defenseless ant in front of this creature. He was not even considered a threat to it, as it only required a small movement and that was already enough to make him vanish in a puff of smoke.

Ye Wuchen had already given up struggling. His eyes directly fixed in front as he expected to see the true face of the Heavenly Fire Dragon. He did not worry about his safety anymore, because he trusted Tong Xin. Even if he was not able to defeat the Heavenly Fire Dragon, he would still be able to escape safely.

But the Heavenly Fire Dragon did not show any act of kindness towards human. This implied that he would not be able to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth here...


Before the Heavenly Fire Dragon could make its move to issue punishment, a dreadful energy which was similarly dreadfully fast drew near. The collision between the two unexpectedly produced a melancholy sound that caused blood to surge.

Eliminating the energy field of the Heavenly Fire Dragon, Tong Xin now stood in front of Ye Wuchen and was using her small and delicate body to protect him. Her arrival was somehow slower than what he had expected, but seeing Ning Xue beside her, he was suddenly alarmed. Seeing that her face did not show any discomfort, he felt relieved. The dark shield with its brilliant light was likely the explanation.

It must be an energy wall that could keep out the temperature.

“Tong Xin, let’s go. Don’t get involved with it.” Ye Wuchen pulled Ning Xue’s hand as he said imposingly. He believed that he will be able to find a way, but he definitely could not come here by force, and not now. The tremendous suppressing power that the Heavenly Fire Dragon had told him that Tong Xin almost had no chance to defeat it.

Tong Xin heard him and without any hesitation, she carried Ning Xue, while the other hand held onto Ye Wuchen as she prepared to leave.

The purple sea suddenly rummaged wildly. Lava flew in all directions, as if boiling over.


With the loud roar, the rumbling of the purple sea became more violent and the entire Heavenly Fire Volcano trembled. Tong Xin was somehow at a standstill. Before her, a purple flame wall had soared up towards the blue dome of heaven, obstructing the way ahead. Tong Xin retreated a few steps due to the scorching hot flames. Although she was strong, she did not have the defying power like Ye Wuchen to not fear the flames.


The purple lava soared to the sky, and a tremendous scarlet creature emerged up from the purple sea, bringing along a shower of lava all over the Heavenly Fire Volcano. This was a really gigantic creature, in a blink of an eye it stood over twenty meters tall. Two scarlet red lights towered above as it looked down upon the three of them. Those were huge eyes flickering with red lights, and the tremendous creature with a scarlet dragon beard, a scarlet dragon horn, and half opened dragon mouth exposing flame-like dragon fangs. With great astonishment, it was actually a dragon head.

After arriving at the Heavenly Star Continent, Ye Wuchen had not seen a real dragon before, and with a glance he was able to recognize that this was definitely the head of a dragon. Its external form was similar to those dragons depicted in the Chinese legends.

And this Heavenly Fire Dragon just merely exposed its head, but was already astonishingly huge. If it were to expose its body, the degree of shock it might bring upon people was unimaginable.

Tong Xin let go of Ning Xue and Ye Wuchen. Her body abruptly turned around and soared high up into the sky. In an instant, a dark light wrapped around her body until she was like a murky meteor falling from the sky. She dropped towards the tremendous dragon head with great force that was causing the rumbling purple sea to recede a bit.

With an earth-shaking roar from the Heavenly Fire Dragon, it threw its head towards Tong Xin. Tong Xin went for the area between its eyebrows. After a landsliding and earth-splitting rumble, the Heavenly Fire Dragon’s head was knocked off more than ten meters away and the tremendous flame wall behind them thereupon disappeared.

Ye Wuchen tightly hugged Ning Xue in his arms. He did not feel any tremendous force of impact along with the horrible rumbling. He secretly felt relieved, and asked, “Xue-er, are you alright?”

“En, I’m alright. What about Sister Tong Xin...”

“Hahahaha... Indeed it was you... Indeed it was you... No, all of you! But why has your energy declined this much? Even your body has transformed into such an appearance...”

An ear-splitting laughter resounded and an even more ear-splitting voice followed after. Ye Wuchen knitted his brows, turned his body around and was looking at the Heavenly Fire Dragon howling with laughter. His heartstrings stirred at the sound of it.

Tong Xin had been bounced into the sky a hundred meters away by the opposing power. She stumbled for quite a long while before she stabilized her body and returned to Ye Wuchen’s side. Then, without any hesitation, she grabbed onto to Ye Wuchen and Ning Xue’s arms. The simple collision a while ago made her realize that she was not a match for this gigantic dragon so she could only escape using her fastest speed.

“Hold on, Tong Xin,” Ye Wuchen suddenly voiced out to stop her, “Don’t worry, it shouldn’t hurt us now.”

Although Tong Xin was puzzled, she would never go against Ye Wuchen. Without a better option, she stood guard before Ye Wuchen, and her eyes rigidly stared at the Heavenly Fire Dragon.

With just a simple collision between Tong Xin and the Heavenly Fire Dragon, Tong Xin contained her strength to just exactly the right amount of force so that it would no’t affect Ye Wuchen and Ning Xue. The Heavenly Fire Dragon who desired to kill had also tried to control his strength to avoid hurting him. This aroused his suspicion, and the remark from the Heavenly Fire Dragon made him totally forget his plan to escape.

“Human, do you believe in predestination?” the Heavenly Fire Dragon’s scarlet eyes focused on Ye Wuchen. His voice seemed to not be as violent as before and it had obviously eased down.

“I believe a lot of things were destined by the heavens. Unable to evade them, one just needs to comply with the arrangements of one’s fate. For instance, being born, growing old, getting sick and dying. Unless one is the ruler of their own fate, no matter who you are you will not be able to escape from the cycle of your destiny.” Ye Wuchen answered. A hand held on to Ning Xue’s hand, while the other was lightly leaning on Tong Xin’s delicate shoulder.

“You are correct. Then you... Have you attempted to stand and fight against your own predestination?”

Ye Wuchen raised his brows and calmly said, “Before I have the power to stand and fight against it, I won’t attempt it. Destiny, since it is predestined, is like a fixed rule of the heaven and earth. If one is incapable of striving against heaven and earth, then how can one resist their destiny?”

Hearing this. the Heavenly Fire Dragon released an unsophisticated and undignified roar of laughter. “You said it right. I didn’t expect that someone at such a young age would have the awareness which I had only obtained in my ten thousand years of existence. In this case, I shall send you to a place where you ought to go. If you are recognized, not only absorbing the power here, even if you want to take my life, I will certainly comply.”

Three clouds of red light suddenly appeared, covering the three of them. Tong Xin was about to break out, when Ye Wuchen pressed her shoulder, shook his head, then yelled loudly, “Where will you take us?”

But it was silent as two bright flames flicked beside him. Ning Xue and Tong Xin disappeared at the same time.

This is the first time for Ye Wuchen had seen the mysterious power of teleportation.

“The faraway Kui Shui... The lost shrine. You’ll go there now...” The deep voice of Heavenly Fire Dragon echoed beside his ears.

“Why should we go there?”

“To find the object that truly belongs to you... You possess the purest spiritual power, but it’s too weak. Let me first use your spiritual power as a medium to gif you with the power of the ‘spiritual eyes.’ It will be able to help you...”

A huge and scorching power like a heavy hammer pounded at the deepest part of his consciousness. A stab of pain went through Ye Wuchen’s brain, his vision started to become fuzzy until it went blank...

Translated by:


Edited by:

seriouspotato patrick_father_of_dragons

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