VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 995: Pre-battle Meeting

Chapter 995: Pre-battle Meeting

Translator: alyschu

"What do we do now?" Gui Guzi asked.

I thought for a moment before replying, "Let’s withdraw out of this forest first. We need a battlefield with a greater field of vision. The number of Purple Grape City players holed up at this place is at least ten times our numbers. If they surround us, we will be in trouble."



Gui Guzi had brought 4000 Dragonlight Cavalrymen and 1000 Dragonlight Archers with him. The major Famous Generals we had were Gui Guzi, Heaven’s Rain and Diamond Dust. I could party up to a max of 2000 players because I was a seventh-promotion player, a Famous General and a Divine General. A basic seventh-promotion player could have a maximum party of 500. A seventh-promotion player who was a Famous General and a Divine General could party up to 4 times that amount, that is 2000 players. Martial God wasn’t as good as Knight God, but in some scenarios, higher attack power was also a good option.

When we arrived at the edge of the forest, we encountered a thousand-man Purple Grape City party. They were chasing after a hundred-man Warsky Alliance party!


I unsheathed my sword. It took us less than ten minutes to kill them all because the Dragonlight Cavalry was that powerful. In fact, not a single one of us were killed at the end of the battle!

More Chinese players arrived from the direction of Sky City. It wasn’t long before a large group made up of all kinds of guilds were gathered together.

I even saw Blazing Hot Lips’ army led by the vice leader herself, Eyes Like Water. She shot me a smile and said, "Momo told me to send 30000 players over to fend off Purple Grape City. Our main force is still being tied up at Vanished God City by the Northern Alliance, but Sky City was just doing so poorly that..."

I nodded. "Mn. We were ambushed, so this is the natural result. With you all here though, we still have a chance to turn this around."

The vice leader of The Monarch Descends, Purple Wind Chime, walked up to me and said, "We are almost 70000 strong, and we are all cavalry. Feel free to command us, Lu Chen. Xueshang told me before I came that you are one of the best strategists in the entire China. We all trust you."

"Thank you."

I smiled and looked in another direction. October Rain, the vice leader of Warsky Alliance, came over. "How goes the battle, Lu Chen? Warsky Alliance is only 100000+ strong, but everyone’s an elite!"

"You are right on time!" I shot her a smile.

Another army appeared from Sky City, and they were Mad Dragon and Gods of Destruction. Even Roaming Dragon and Dominating Heaven Blade were present.

Hegemon Palace also appeared from another direction. I spotted Wang Dongliang and Little Piglet among them.

"Wonderful. Everyone’s here!" I was very glad to see them.


The moment Wang Dongliang arrived, he shot me a displeased look and said, "What are you waiting for? Is Purple Grape City too strong, or are you too scared to enter the forest?"

Gui Guzi immediately pointed the Spear of the Knight God at him and spat, "Pooh! You call us cowards when you just arrived after all this time? If your balls are so huge then go fight Purple Grape City yourself then! I can tell you right now that Red Maple and several hundred thousand elites are all garrisoned at Floating Ice City! Well? What are you waiting for? Go fight them now, brass balls!"

Wang Dongliang replied with an ashen face, "I’m beneath your provocations!"

Heaven’s Rain snorted. "Hmph!"

I said placatingly, "Can everyone please set down their differences for now? We are all here to retake Floating Ice City. Rather than pointlessly argue with each other, we should think up a plan to win this war."

Dominating Heaven Blade asked, "Purple Grape City has amassed millions and millions of troops after taking over Floating Ice City, so let’s skip the ‘pleasantries’ and get to the point already, shall we? We really don’t have much time to fool around here. Even now, our brethren are being slaughtered in Frost Forest."

I nodded in agreement. "I know."

Dominating Warrior God interrupted rudely, "If you know, then why the fuck are you still waiting here for? Go rescue our people with your precious Dragonlight Cavalry already!"

My eyes turned steely in an instant. "Shut your mouth. You don’t get to order me!"

Dominating Warrior God had always disliked me because of his love for the Fruit Knife Goddess, and maybe it was because of the tension or something, but he almost lost his cool here. However, Dominating Heaven Blade surprised us by shooting him a glare and saying, "Warrior God, seriously, shut your mouth for now, okay? Lu Chen is right. We need to stay united and come up with a proper strategy before tackling Purple Grape City. We may have quite the numbers ourselves, but all our main forces are elsewhere. It is entirely possible for Purple Grape City to gobble up our one-million-strong reinforcements like nothing."

October Rain smiled lazily as she leaned against a maple tree. "Hmph hmph, no wonder Dominating Heaven Blade is the guild leader. He actually has some foresight, and he isn’t as stupid as a certain hot-blooded idiot!"

Little Piglet interrupted, "Enough, let’s speak strategy already. How should we fight this war?"

October Rain shot everyone a mysterious smile before starting, "First, it was the Northern Alliance. Then, the two Indian main cities attacked us. Finally, Purple Grape City marched a long way and conquered White Rose Fortress and Floating Ice City. Don’t you guys see it yet?"

"See what?" Wang Dongliang responded with a confused expression.

Eyes Like Water smiled. "She means to say that the Northern Alliance’s assault is a feint, Cyan Earth City and Elephant City’s cross-sea invasion is the hammer, and Purple Grape City is the true knife in the back that will end it all."

I nodded. "Purple Grape City is playing a smart and bold game here, but Elephant City and Cyan Earth City are not to be underestimated as well. But before that, I’d like to correct a misconception. Some of you seem to think that the Japanese came all the way here just to conquer Floating Ice City. If that is true, I must say that you are sorely mistaken. Misjudging their true objective will put us at a severe disadvantage."

October Rain shivered before facing toward me in shock. "You’re saying that they’re targeting Sky City?"

"Correct." I gazed toward the direction of Sky City while explaining quietly, "Sky City is the King of Cities, and you all know the saying ‘it is unacceptable to have a snorer beside your bed’. Cyan Earth City, Elephant City and Purple Grape City are right next to Sky City. Even if there was no enmity between us, they would never allow us to continue growing as we are. That is why their goal is to conquer and abandon Sky City. That is why the Japan and India servers have come to a temporary alliance."

"I see..." Shock flashed across Dominating Heaven Blade’s eyes for a second. Clearly, he hadn’t realized the true goal of Purple Grape City until now. After he collected himself, he asked, "What should we do now?"

October Rain looked at me as well.

I bit my lips and said, "To kill a snake, you hit them in the heart. I will attack White Rose Fortress with my forces and retake it from Purple Grape City first. This will cut off their only means of getting supplies. After that, I leave it to you all to retake Frost Forest. Be careful not to get too close to Floating Ice City, however. The true elites of Purple Grape City are all holed up in there, so trying to engage them will only end in disaster for you all."

Wang Dongliang looked confused. "Fuck, can we get to the point already? How should we fight this war?"

Roaming Dragon also removed his hands from Coldmoon Rose’s legs and clenched it into fists. "Yeah, all that talking is making my head spin. Just tell us how we should fight this war already. Should we stay away from Frost Forest?"

I shook my head. "That’s not what I meant. We will take over Frost Forest eventually, but if they are fleeing, you should never give chase. Instead, you’ll bait them to come at you and fight them where you have the advantage. Make them lose their patience and engage us in Sky City’s domain. This way, you can keep your losses to a minimum."

Dominating Heaven Blade abruptly stabbed his broadsword to the ground and laughed. "I’m starting to like you more and more, boy! I didn’t expect anyone to keep such a cool head in this situation. I almost feel like an idiot fighting you all those times, hahaha. China is blessed to have you, Lu Chen!"

Shaking my head a bit, I said, "Alright, are there any more questions? If not, I’ll go first. I only have 5000 elite cavalry with me, and even if I were to count them as ten normal players, that is still only fifty thousand cavalry. Long story short, I can use any help I can get to occupy White Rose Fortress. Is there anyone who’s willing to spare us some troops? Or better, is there anyone who’s willing to attack White Rose Fortress with me?"

Wang Dongliang curled his lips. "You have Dark Moon City, and you just expanded your subguilds some time ago, didn’t you? How is Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls sending only 5000 players to save Floating Ice City? Don’t tell me you’re making us your cannon fodder to preserve your strength?"

The moronic statement made me laugh before I lashed out, "Are you fucking serious!? Cyan Earth City and Elephant City are invading the northern maps! They’ve deployed almost 50 million players against us and are attacking our players even now! Every single player in my guild is fighting on the frontlines right now, and you’re accusing us of ‘preserving our strength’? Are you fucking blind!?"

Wang Dongliang was so shocked by my outburst that he couldn’t say anything at all.

October Rain broke the tension with a snort. "Humph, the discussion is over, right? Let’s get to work already!"

Eyes Like Water offered, "Blazing Hot Lips’ 30000 troops will tackle White Rose Fortress with you!"

Purple Wind Chime of The Monarch Descends also said, "Our 70000 riders will follow you as well!"

I nodded smilingly. "Very good. 100000 players and 5000 Dragonlight Cavalrymen should be enough to tackle White Rose Fortress. Alright, let’s go! We shouldn’t keep our suffering brethren waiting any longer!"



After the brief meeting was over, I led Gui Guzi, Heaven’s Rain, Diamond Dust and our allies around the edges of Frost Forest and toward White Rose Fortress. The Dragonlight Cavalry, Dragonlight Archers and I were slightly faster than our allies, but that was fine. We were best-deployed as a mobile strike force that struck our enemies hard when they weren’t expecting anyway. If we were lucky, we might even be able to occupy White Rose Fortress in one row. It would take us only 20 minutes to get there.

Speaking of which, White Rose Fortress was only guarded by players because all the NPCs had been slaughtered. That should make things a bit easier for us.


Twenty minutes later, the long, spine-like mountains that were the Dragonbone Mountain Range appeared on the horizon. There was a gap at the center that looked like it was done in by a giant axe, and it was where the legendary White Rose Fortress lies. Unfortunately, the NPCs proved to be a disappointment in this war. I hadn’t expected Red Maple and God’s Domain to occupy it as easily as they did.

A bunch of Purple Grape City players were resting on the walls. Suddenly, an archer rose to their feet and pointed at the dust clouds at the horizon, shouting, "Look! It’s from Sky City! The Chinese are coming to retake White Rose Fortress!"

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